
Instruction to convert PDF to Word

July 31, 2023 4.7K views

PDF is a file format that is widely used for its ability to preserve document formatting and to be viewable on any device like Mac or pc. PDF files are also relatively small in size, making them easy to email or download. However, PDFs can be difficult to edit, which is why the PDF Convert to Word tool is so useful. This tool allows users to quickly and easily convert PDF files into editable Word documents.

PDF Convert to Word allows you to quickly and easily convert PDF files into editable Word documents. It is an essential tool for anyone who needs to edit PDF files. With this tool, you can convert PDF files to Word documents with just a few clicks. It supports all major PDF file formats, including PDF 1.7, PDF 1.6, PDF 1.5, and PDF 1.4. It is available for both Windows and Mac. This converter is the perfect tool for converting PDF files to Word documents for editing. With PDF Convert to Word, you can convert PDF files to Word documents with ease.

Instruction to Convert PDF into Word

WPS Office is a PDF software that allows you to open PDF files and convert them into Word files.

First Step

Once the PDF file is open in WPS Office, click on the Convert button on the top menu. This will open the conversion window. In the conversion window, select Word as the output format and click Start. This will start the conversion process and save the PDF file as a Word document.

Second Step

The second step is to open the Word file in WPS Word. In Word, click on File and then Open. Select the Word document that was created from the PDF file and click Open. This will open the Word document.

Third Step

The third and final step is to save the Word document as a PDF file. In Word, click on File and then Save As. In the save window, select PDF (*.pdf) as the output format and click Save. This will save the Word document as a PDF file.

The Best Tools — WPS PDF Tools

WPS PDF Tools includes a wide range of other features, such as the ability to merge or split PDFs, add watermarks or passwords, and convert PDFs to a variety of different formats. As a result, it is an essential tool for anyone who regularly works with PDF files. With WPS PDF Tools, you can easily extract text and images from PDF files, as well as merge or split PDFs. You can also add watermarks, stamps, and signatures to PDFs, or password-protect your PDFs for increased security.

In addition, the best WPS PDF Tools come with a built-in PDF viewer so you can view your PDFs without having to download any additional software. Whether you need to convert a PDF for work or school, or simply want to edit a PDF for personal use, WPS PDF Tools has everything you need to get the job done quickly and easily.


WPS Office is a PDF converter that can easily convert PDFs to editable Word documents. Plus, you can sign PDFs electronically and convert them to image files. And best of all, WPS Office is free to download and use with a free membership. So why not try it today? You may be surprised at how easy it is to work with PDFs using WPS Office.

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