
WPS Office VS Free Office: A Comprehensive Comparison

July 31, 2023 4.6K views

Every business on this planet values productivity. And in this fast-pacing digitalized world where accessibility and productivity are at their peak, businesses want to ensure that their productivity tools perform to their best capabilities. There are many popular office software suites that businesses consider that make a lot of their tasks accessible and easier. These tasks primarily include sharing documents, spreadsheets, and presentations with anyone inside or outside the organization. However, not all office suites deliver a similar quality of output which can break or make an organization’s reputation and impact their productivity overall. For this reason, businesses consider opting for Office Suites that are more compatible with their organization’s needs and requirements.

The two most popular Office Suites include WPS Office and Free Office. They are both packed with useful tools that help users yield maximum returns. WPS Office offers the major tools that nearly everyone needs including Writer, Spreadsheets, Presentation, and PDF Editor software. It is designed to be a cost-effective solution that is popular among a huge community who want the functionality of Office without the hefty price tag. Meanwhile, FreeOffice is a free office suite developed by SoftMaker, which is a software company based in Germany. It offers three main applications: TextMaker for word processing, PlanMaker for spreadsheets, and Presentations for creating presentations. What’s great about FreeOffice is its robust and rich features that make creating documents interesting.

In this article, we have the WPS Office in comparison with FreeOffice to help allow businesses and even individuals to decide what product will best suit their needs.

1. User Interface

Both WPS Office and FreeOffice have a similar ribbon-style interface that many users will find familiar and intuitive, particularly those who are accustomed to Microsoft Office. However, WPS Office has a more polished and modern interface, which makes it easier to navigate and use, especially for those who are new to office software. The interface of WPS Office is designed with user-friendliness in mind, with clear and easily identifiable icons and tabs that make it simple to find the tools you need. The overall look and feel of the interface is also more visually appealing, with a range of customizable themes available to personalize the user experience.

However, while FreeOffice also has a ribbon-style interface, it feels a bit more dated and less polished than WPS Office. The icons are smaller and less clear, making it a bit harder to find specific tools, especially if you're not familiar with the software. The overall layout is also less customizable than WPS Office, with fewer themes and color schemes available to choose from. WPS Office has a more modern and user-friendly interface than FreeOffice. This is particularly important for users who are new to office software and need a more intuitive and straightforward interface to get started. Thus, some users who prefer a more classic and traditional interface may prefer FreeOffice. Though, it comes down to personal preference and what works best for your needs.

2. Features

WPS Office has a lot to offer. For starters, it provides all of the basic Office suite tools you would expect, including a word processor, a spreadsheet program, and a presentation application. In addition, WPS Office comes with some advanced features that make it stand out from the competition. For instance, it has a built-in PDF editor, which allows users to create and edit PDF files without the need for a separate application.

WPS Office also boasts some unique and powerful features that set it apart from other office suites. For example, it includes a tabbed interface that allows users to open and work on multiple documents in the same window, making it easier to switch between documents and keep everything organized. It also has a built-in cloud storage feature that allows users to store and access their documents from any device with an internet connection.

In contrast, FreeOffice provides a more basic set of features. While it does have a word processor, spreadsheet program, and presentation application, it doesn't offer some of the advanced features found in WPS Office. For example, it doesn't include a built-in PDF editor or a tabbed interface. So it is safe to say that when it comes down to features, WPS Office is the better choice for users who need a more powerful office suite with advanced features and a sleek interface. However, if you're looking for a free and basic office suite, then FreeOffice may also be a good option.

3. Pricing

WPS Office and FreeOffice have different approaches to marketing their product to users. WPS Office has a freemium model, meaning that you can download and use the software for free, but some advanced features are locked behind a paywall. The paid version of WPS Office costs $29.99 per year and unlocks features such as PDF editing, cloud storage, and more.

On the other hand, FreeOffice is completely free and doesn't have any premium features. This is great for users who don't want to spend any money on office software and don't need any advanced features. However, it's worth noting that FreeOffice may not have all the features and tools that some users need for their work. In terms of value for money, WPS Office's paid version offers a lot more features and tools than FreeOffice, and for a relatively low price. So if you're looking for a comprehensive office suite and are willing to spend a little money, WPS Office might be your calling. However, if you're on a tight budget or don't need any advanced features, FreeOffice is a great free alternative to consider.

4. Compatibility

Both WPS Office and FreeOffice offer excellent compatibility with Microsoft Office file formats, allowing users to open, edit and save files in formats such as .docx, .xlsx, and .pptx. However, WPS Office has the edge when it comes to compatibility. It offers excellent support for older file formats such as .doc and .xls, which are not always supported by other office suites. In addition, WPS Office supports a wider range of file formats than FreeOffice, including .rtf and .txt, making it a more versatile option for users who frequently work with different file types.

5. Customer support

The customer support of any company can truly make or break its reputation. Despite good performance, if the customer support is not up to par, the users will be subconsciously deterred from using the application. WPS Office has an extensive and helpful support system. WPS Office offers email support and live chat support, making it easy to get in touch with a support representative when you have a question or an issue. They also have an active community forum where users can post questions and interact with other users.

While FreeOffice only offers email support, which can take longer to get a response. WPS Office's support representatives are known to be responsive and knowledgeable, offering helpful advice and quick solutions to users’ problems. They also have a comprehensive knowledge base that provides answers to frequently asked questions, troubleshooting tips, and helpful guides. This makes it easy for users to find the information they need without having to contact support. In contrast, FreeOffice's support is more limited, with fewer resources available for users to find answers to their questions. Their response times are also slower compared to WPS Office. This can be frustrating for users who need a quick resolution to a problem or have a pressing issue to address.

6. Productivity

WPS Office is known for its speed and efficiency, making it a reliable choice for businesses and individuals who require high levels of productivity working online. It has a modern and intuitive interface, which contributes to a smooth user experience. WPS Office is also optimized to run on all the major operating systems including mac, Windows, and Linux operating systems, which means that it can work seamlessly with a wide range of devices. WPS Office also has an application that performs seamlessly on iPhones and Android. In contrast, while FreeOffice also performs well, it may not be as fast or efficient as WPS Office. Some users have reported that FreeOffice can be slow to open larger files or perform more complex tasks. FreeOffice also has a more traditional interface, which can be less intuitive for some users.

WPS Office VS. Free Office


WPS Office

Free Office

User Interface

  • User Friendly

  • Professional look

  • Simple

  • Modern look and feel


Offers collaboration features such as commenting and sharing

Offers collaboration features such as commenting and sharing


Freemium with paid plans for additional features



Provides advanced features like document encryption, mail merge, and a PDF converter

Free and available for windows, macOS and linux


Some features are only available in the paid version, which may make it less attractive for users who want a completely free office suite

Mobile app is not available

File format supported

Supports Microsoft Office formats and OpenDocument formats

Supports Microsoft Office formats and OpenDocument formats


Compatible with Windows, macOS, and Linux

Compatible with Windows, macOS, and Linux

Mobile app

Offers mobile app for iOS and Android

Mobile app No mobile app available  

Cloud integration

Integrates with Dropbox, Google Drive, and OneDrive

Integrates with Dropbox, Google Drive, and OneDrive

Customer Support

Offers email support, phone support, and a knowledge base

Offers email support and a knowledge base  


Is WPS Office a better choice?

WPS Office is a robust and feature-rich office suite that provides a powerful and cost-effective solution for businesses and individuals. In terms of user interface, WPS Office has a more modern and user-friendly interface than FreeOffice. It is designed with user-friendliness in mind, with clear and easily identifiable icons and tabs that make it simple to find the tools you need. Additionally, WPS Office offers advanced features, such as a built-in PDF editor and a tabbed interface that makes it easier to work on multiple documents in the same window.

While FreeOffice is free, it provides a more basic set of features and lacks some of the advanced features found in WPS Office. WPS Office, on the other hand, offers a freemium model, where the software can be downloaded and used offline for free, but some advanced features are locked behind a paywall. The paid version of WPS Office offers a lot more features and tools than FreeOffice for a relatively low price.

WPS Office also has better compatibility with older file formats, such as .doc and .xls, which are not always supported by other office suites. This makes it an ideal solution for businesses that need to work with a variety of file formats. Additionally, WPS Office provides a built-in cloud storage feature that allows users to store and access their documents from any device with an internet connection, making it easy to collaborate and work remotely.

Overall, WPS Office offers a more powerful and modern office suite with advanced features, a sleek interface, and excellent compatibility with different file formats. This makes it a great choice for businesses and individuals who need a cost-effective solution that provides all the tools necessary to increase productivity and efficiency.

15 years of office industry experience, tech lover and copywriter. Follow me for product reviews, comparisons, and recommendations for new apps and software.