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How to set the cell alignment in WPS Spreadsheet
Uploaded time: August 31, 2021 Difficulty Beginner
How to set the cell alignment in WPS Spreadsheet

How to set the cell alignment in WPS Spreadsheet
To ensure the beauty of the spreadsheet, sometimes we need to align the contents of it. How can we quickly set the alignment of the spreadsheet?
This video could help to solve the problem of How to set the cell alignment in WPS Spreadsheet. There are several alignment shortcut buttons in the ribbon, which are commonly used in the workplace. Now let's demonstrate them one by one.
Top Align: Align text to the top of the cell.
Middle Align: Align text so that it is centered between the top and bottom of the cell.
Bottom Align: Align text to the bottom of the cell.
Align Text Left: Align text to the left.
Center: Center text.
Align Text Right: Align text to the right.
Justify: Align text to both the left and right margins, adding extra space between words as necessary.
Distributed: Align paragraph to both the left and right margins, and filling the entire cell.
The last two buttons control the amount of text indentation. This function can fine-tune the position of the text in the cell, such as ‘indent to the left’ and ‘indent to the right’.
We select the cell, right-click Format Cells, its shortcut key is Ctrl+1.
In the pop-up Format Cells dialog box, select Alignment. The functions in Text Alignment have just been demonstrated. Here we will focus on the effect of Center across selection. It can achieve the visual effect of merging and centering without merging the adjacent cells.
We can freely adjust the orientation of the text, just move the angle of the pointer to the right. If we want to arrange the text in cell A2 vertically, simply check Vertical text.
We can also control the text:
Check Wrap text. When the character length exceeds the cell, it will automatically wrap the line.
Check the Shrink to fit. When the character size exceeds the cell, it will automatically decrease the font size.
Check Merge cells to merge the selected cells.
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