There are 8 free training skills of how to use office suite for undefined
How to Convert String to Value in Excel
How to Convert String to Value in Excel/Spreadsheet (2016/2019/Mac/Online) Working in Excel/Spreadsheet WPS involves handling data of different kinds. Sometimes the data is in the form of values and sometimes the data is in the form of text or strings. When we have to make calculations we cannot apply formulas on the string data which can make our work hard to complete in time. In order to extract the number values of the string data we need to know the different methods in Excel/Sprea....
Absolute Value in Excel (Easy Steps)
How to do Absolute Value in Excel/Spreadsheet (2016/2019/Mac/Online) Doing complex and multiple calculations is the main goal of using Excel/Spreadsheet WPS. Everybody wants to use Excel/Spreadsheet WPS for performing difficult calculations which can save their time. The best way to perform calculations is when you know how to convert negative values into positive values in order to avoid lengthy leg work of converting each value separately in Excel/Spreadsheet WPS (2016/2019/Mac/Onlin....
How to Find R Squared Value in Excel
How to find R Squared Value in Excel/Spreadsheet WPS (2016/2019/Mac/Online) When we work in Excel/Spreadsheet WPS we have to deal with huge amount of data sometimes and such huge amount of data requires handling in different ways. We cannot calculate big equations easily when the data is huge. Calculating complex equations is one of the best features of Excel/Spreadsheet WPS (2016/2019/Mac/Online). However, writing the complete formula is often difficult and it usually does not get the....
How to Calculate Present Value in Excel
How to Calculate Present Value in Excel/Spreadsheet (2016/2019/Mac/Online) We can perform different sorts of calculations and statistical analyses in Excel/Spreadsheet WPS. Sometimes while doing statistical analysis, you are required to calculate the Present Value. Manual calculations of determining the present value are complex and laborious and there are high chances of errors in it. However, Excel/Spreadsheet WPS provides a simple solution to this problem by allowing multiple method....
How to Calculate P-Value in Excel (Step-by-Step Guide)
Learn how to easily calculate P-value in Excel on both Mac and Windows for free using built-in formulas and functions. This article offers 3 simple methods to calculate P value for hypothesis testing in data analysis.
Continuous Compounding Formula in Excel
Calculate exponential growth effortlessly and maximize your investments with Continuous Compounding Formula in Excel. This guide will elaborate on two easy methods to use this formula effectively.
How to use index in excel
HOW TO USE INDEX IN EXCEL - WPS, WPS Office,writer,Spreadsheet,Presentation How to use index in excel? You can use it to refer data from a location and return it from within a range or table. You can use it to highlight or mention any specific individual or group of cells to other location or even other worksheets. This step-by-step guide will explain how to use index in excel in your project. There will be two methods to use the function, one will explain via shortcut key and the othe....
Which standard deviation to use in excel
WHICH STANDARD DEVIATION TO USE IN EXCEL - WPS, WPS Office,writer,Spreadsheet,Presentation Which standard deviation to use in excel? There are three types of standard deviation in excel, STDEV, STDEVP, and STDEV.S. The type of results required specifies which type of SD to use. The STDEVP is used when the entire values of population are exactly known. In case if you are unsure if it, use either STDEV.S or STDEV. They both return the exact answer. This guide below will explain usage of ....
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