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Create the double-layer doughnut chart
Uploaded time: October 22, 2021 Difficulty Intermediate
Create the double-layer doughnut chart

Create the double-layer doughnut chart
The double-layer doughnut chart can visually display the proportion of multiple data.
As shown in the chart, this is the annual sales of a certain sales company. In this chart, we can see the proportion of sales per month and the sales percentage for each quarter. So how do we create the double-layer doughnut chart?
First select the quarterly sales data in the cell range B2:B13, click the Insert tab and click the Insert Pie or Doughnut Chart drop-down button, then choose Doughnut in the drop-down menu to insert a doughnut chart with a default style.
Click the Chart Tools tab, and then click Select Data to open the dialog box. Click the Add button on the right side of Series to open the Edit Series dialog box. In the Series values edit box, enter D2:D13 and click the OK button. Because we've just added a series, two doughnuts will appear in the chart.
Click to select any doughnut in the chart, click SERIES in the task pane on the right, and we can see Doughnut Hole Size under SERIES OPTIONS. Drag the slider under this option to set the inner diameter size to 30%.
Then under the Change Color option, we can select any of the built-in colors in Monochromatic.
At this point, the rough appearance of the double-layer doughnut chart has been completed, and we still need to add data labels to it and beautify it. Click the Chart Elements shortcut button to uncheck Legend and check Data Labels in the drop-down menu.
For a more intuitive view and comparison of data, we can change the data of the chart to a percentage for display. Click any data label on the outer doughnut, and click DATA LABEL OPTIONS under the LABEL option, check the Percentage check box, and uncheck the Value check box.
In order to make the data more accurate, we need to keep two decimal places of percentage. Click Number, in the Category area, choose Percentage. In the Decimal places box, enter 2. At this time, the data label of the doughnut shows the percentage with two decimal places.
At this point, the chart does not show the name of the data label, which is not convenient for us to observe the data. In the DATA LABEL OPTIONS area, we can check Value From Cells. In the popup dialog, we can choose the cell range C2:C13, and click the OK button.
The data label names displayed in the chart are too long and dense, making the chart unsociable. We can drag the control points outside the chart to enlarge the chart to a suitable size. At the same time, under the DATA LABEL OPTIONS option, click the drop-down button on the right of Separator and select the New Line option.
Similarly, we use the method above to change the data label of the inner doughnut to Percentage display and show the data name.
Once the setting is complete, we can click the title of the chart and enter a new title name.
Make your work easier with WPS Spreadsheet like Microsoft Excel.For more details about chart creation, you're welcome to enter WPS Academy. These are the tips for making a double-layered doughnut chart. Did you get it?
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