There are 8 free training classes of how to use office suite for undefined
6 Easy Ways to Remove Leading Spaces in Excel [2025]
Eliminate unnecessary spaces from Excel cells to streamline your data and improve accuracy. This guide will show you 6 easy ways to help remove leading spaces in Excel before texts or numbers.
How to copy value without formula in Excel?
When you are working in excel Excel/Spreadsheet WPS, copying and pasting is frequently performed from one cell to another. Most people get confused and found very difficult to excel copy value not formula and paste in a cell. As when they copy data from a cell, it not only copies the content from that cell but also the format such as background color, font color and formula within it. While you only want to copy values not formula within it. However Using WPS excel/spreadsheet is very....
How to Split a Text With Specific Character in Excel
How To Split A Text With Specific Character In Excel -WPS Academy Excel is a significant and powerful software program used for storing and analyzing data. The data in an excel worksheet is a combination of different texts and characters.
How to expand cells to fit text in Excel
· Option 1:1. Click the triangle in the top left corner to select the entire table.2. Click the Home tab → the Rows and Columns drop-down button → AutoFit Row Height and AutoFit Column Width.3. The row height and column width can be adjusted according to the characters and numbers in cells. · Option 2:1. Click the triangle in the top left corner to select the entire table.2. Click the Home tab → the Rows and Columns drop-down button → Row Height and Column Width.3. In the pop-up dialog....
How to Add Comma in Excel Column Between Names
This is a comprehensive guide on how to add commas in Excel columns using multiple scenario methods. Learn how to enhance data readability and presentation in Excel with step-by-step instructions. Master the art of formatting numbers in Excel for improved data analysis.
How to flip first and last names in Excel (3 easiest ways)
Perfecting your Excel skills is essential to becoming a professional. Learning how to format data, create filters and complex formulas are just some of the things you need to know to become a true Excel pro. One of the most important things you can do for your skills is to find out which formulas in Excel return specific values. Sometimes while working with the name, we need to flip the first and the last one for different purposes When you're looking to add a new first and last name t....
Split Sheets in Excel into Separate Files (Complete Guide)
It could be necessary to divide a huge workbook into many Excel files by storing each worksheet as a distinct Excel file. You might, for instance, divide a workbook into many separate Excel files and then give each file to a different person to manage. You can keep your data safe and assign particular individuals to manage different types of data by doing this. Lets imagine The name of the student may be in column A of a worksheet that contains data, and you may need to automatically d....
How to import external data in WPS Spreadsheet
1. Use WPS Office to open the spreadsheet, and click the drop-down button of Menu in the upper left corner.2. Choose Data → Import External Data → Import Data, and click OK in the popup window.3. In the Step 1: Select data source interface, click Open data file directly, and Select Data Source..., then we can choose the file as needed. 4. In the File Conversion interface, we can select the encoding that makes our document readable. There are two options of Text encoding, one is Windows....
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