
Free weekly lesson plans templates with objectives and standard

July 31, 2023 7.8K views

Weekly lesson plans are  essential tools for planning for children's care and education. Weekly Lesson plans encourage teachers to consider order, the goal of their approaches, and their time with children. They are an excellent method to keep organised, connect ideas, and make ideas apparent to others.

Building  weekly lesson plans is a creative and vital process in which teachers use a variety of tactics to engage students, measure progress, and encourage learning & understanding, all while keeping the kids on the receiving end in mind. It is a period when teachers see all of the jigsaw pieces and assess how they will fit together to create a successful learning experience.The objectives of learning and providing learners with opportunities to investigate, establish, and demonstrate what they are taught form the foundation of developing a lesson plan. It promotes a learning atmosphere that focuses on the class as a whole rather than the teacher.

Lesson planning ensures that teachers approach the classroom each day fully prepared to teach new concepts and conduct important conversations, rather than winging it. Without these lesson plans, children can easily lose concentration, and teachers may find themselves grasping for ideas on what to do next.Lesson plans show how teachers aim to conduct their classes, what they hope to achieve, and how they mean to achieve it. Lesson plans are frequently written. There  are numerous types of teachers. Therefore, there are numerous types of lesson plans.These  lesson plan indicates where you should begin and where you should end.Whether you plan a year ahead with a thorough scope and sequencing or a day or week at a time, having a plan helps keep teaching deliberate and focused on what the children need.

And, with a few easy steps and the right resources, you can be constructive in your preparation and provide meaningful learning experiences. Every effective instructor has a plan that they follow when delivering training. The plan could be as simple as a list or as complex as a well-structured and comprehensive system. Lesson plans are valuable resources that teachers construct to assist them in leading training sessions. They are well-planned, designed, and implemented in order to achieve the targeted learning outcomes.

Benefits of Having Weekly Lesson Plans:

Having weekly lesson plans helps teacher to:

Approach each lesson with confidence:

The planning process allows teachers to double-check their understanding of the concepts being taught and ensures they've gathered all of the materials needed to teach those concepts ahead of time, allowing them to more effectively pass the learning to their students. This, in turn, inspires greater respect and participation from the students throughout the class.

More effectively manage classroom time:

How will the lesson flow from the minute students sit at their desks until the bell sounds at the end? Lesson preparation assists teachers in breaking down each lesson into a defined flow with particular classroom activities - and provides them with a schedule that they can follow. Well-managed classroom time speeds up learning.

Align learning with standards:

While each lesson should have its own goal, it should also fit within a much bigger landscape of national, state, or school standards that specify what students should learn in each grade level and subject. When such criteria are included in a lesson plan, teachers may ensure that students meet expected milestones while also making it easier to look back and monitor progress. They should be able to see how all of the lessons stack up to satisfy those standards at the end of the year.

Educate substitute teachers with the curriculum:

A clear and well-organized lesson plan is an excellent approach to ensure that a substitute teacher understands what is expected of him or her during class. It ensures that pupils' learning is consistent because their progress is not interrupted. It assists the substitute in leading a lesson that they may be unfamiliar with. Furthermore, it offers the regular teacher confidence that class time is being used properly and that the lesson will not need to be repeated later.

Plan for - and perfect - the future:

Daily lesson planning is time-consuming. It necessitates a consistent upfront investment of time and effort. Even after the class, teachers should collect feedback and engage in self-reflection to find areas for improvement for the next time.However, once a teacher develops a plan, they have a solid foundation on which to build future lessons - for their present class and the next - with only minor changes.

Keep track of their own progress:

Lesson plans provide a complete and ongoing image of all the learning that is taking place in a classroom, as well as a quick reference of previous learning, making them an ideal resource for teachers to share with administrators and supervisors who require a front-line view of classroom progress. They can even be used to assess teachers' professional performance and serve as portfolio components when applying for teaching employment.

Maintain consistency in your learning:

When lesson structure varies dramatically from day to day, it might be difficult to stay up with learning. A consistent structure with phases that can be used across all lessons helps students build healthy habits about how class time will be used while also indicating to students what to expect each time they enter through those classroom doors . It also makes lesson planning easier because teachers don't have to reinvent the wheel every time they develop one.

What factors contribute to the effectiveness of a lesson plan?

Making a good lesson plan entails much more than simply filling out a form. If a lesson is to achieve all of the benefits listed above, teachers must evaluate its structure, the goals they establish for themselves and their class, the manner in which the material is delivered, and much more.

1. Plan with Students in mind at all times.

Consider how learning appears from the opposite side of the classroom. What are students likely to think, feel, and question? Are there any points where they might get confused? Is the volume of new content overwhelming? Is studying exciting and applicable to their daily lives? Putting yourselves in the shoes of their students allows teachers to make each class more engaging - and the knowledge stick.

2. Always use the same overall framework.

While the content and delivery will vary from lesson to session, the overall flow - from recap of prior information through the introduction of new concepts to reinforcement and conclusion - should remain consistent. Consistency lets kids know what to expect and helps them develop excellent classroom habits, while also making the preparation process more effective (and less time-consuming) for teachers.

3. Create SMART goals for each lesson.

At the end of each lesson, what should students know or be able to do? Having a goal in mind provides teachers with a yardstick for measuring student learning and allows teachers to work backwards in creating learning activities for the class. However, those objectives must be SMART, which means they must be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound.

4. Arrange for a variety of classroom activities

It is not sufficient to stand in front of the class every day and conduct a lecture. Students learn best when they are actively engaged with the material, thus teachers must incorporate variation into their courses. Whether it's a group exercise, a film, a presentation, a quiz, an independent reading assignment, a class debate, a diary entry, or a hands-on experiment, keeping things fresh and dynamic elevates a lesson from mediocre to outstanding.

5. Allow for discussion

A lesson should never be a one-way information transfer from teacher to student. The greatest lessons allow for an open-ended conversation regarding the day's learning - teachers can even prepare questions ahead of time to examine student thinking before each lesson. The same is true for any questions your pupils may have. Setting aside time in class to answer questions encourages discussion and provides teachers with an additional opportunity to check for understanding.

Structure Of a Lesson Plan:

A standard lesson plan typically includes information on the lesson, the outcomes that will be covered, the method used, and the materials and activities that will be included to engage and evaluate the students. The final section of a lesson plan addresses the assessment session from both the teacher's and student's perspectives.

The most practical lesson plans include six critical components:

Ø Objectives of the Lesson

Ø ØRequirements that are related.

Ø ØMaterials for the lesson.

Ø ØProcedure for the lesson.

Ø ØMethod of Evaluation

Ø ØReflection on the lesson.

Because each component of a lesson plan contributes to your student's learning experience, it's critical to approach them with a clear plan in mind.

Top 6 weekly Lesson Plan Templates By WPS:

Having a thoroughly crafted lesson plan for each lesson raises your confidence and increases the likelihood of having purposeful learning sessions with your students whenever you enter the classroom. It provides you with a general sketch of your goals and the steps necessary to achieve them.

It might be tough to find the time to produce inspiring lesson plans on your own in the high-pressure world of education. Here are some important weekly lesson plan templates that will help you organize your weekly courses. These printable blank lesson plan templates are ready to be filled out with the week's objectives.

1. Useful Weekly Lesson Plan

Use this simple and useful  weekly lesson plan template  to write out activities, objectives, modifications, and notes for your lessons each week and edit this template to meet your teaching requirements.This fully editable weekly lesson plan template is designed in such a way that teachers can use it for any subject.

2. Weekly Schedule

The weekly schedule lesson plan template is designed by WPS in a way that it provides different sections for weekdays as well as lists of lessons for different subjects like Arts, mathematics, geography, English etc. Teachers can use this weekly lesson plan template to ensure that students meet expected milestones while also making it easier to look back and monitor progress.

3. Basic Weekly Plan

During the course of a week, students will frequently be studying a variety of topics and disciplines, making it tough to keep track of everything. You can keep your students on track by preparing a weekly lesson plan. This basic weekly plan will help you organize the lessons for each day and you can also use the weekly plan section to add notes or titles of the subject  to your lesson plan for the week. And add a detail information in other provided sections for each day.

4. Simple Weekly Plan

Simple weekly plan includes sections for weekdays in which you can highlight the lesson objectives or tasks from Monday to Saturday. You can also mention the home works that are to be provided to student for Sunday on a separately provided section. Moreover this template also includes the remaining tasks section or left problems from the previous week as well as notes section to add the notes to ensure that the learners are learning effectively and that your teaching impact is maximized.

5. Basic Weekly Lesson Planner

When under pressure, keeping things simple is usually the best option. Using a clean and modern lesson plan design is one method to keep your focus on what matters: teaching. However, simple does not have to be boring. Using good design concepts, your simple lesson plan template can still seem professional.

6. Basic Weekly Plan

This free weekly lesson plan template can be used to Highlight the tasks for each day from Monday to Sunday. The basic weekly plan by WPS provides up to 5 sections to mention different lessons and activities for Students. Teachers can use this printable template to Keep track of their own progress and helps students build healthy habits about how class time will be used while also indicating to students what they can expect each time they walk through those classroom doors.

Final Thoughts about Weekly Lesson Plans

Lesson plans are the first stage in developing a comprehensive curriculum for a class.

They delve into the specifics to guarantee you teach the proper content to your pupils at the right time, and they simplify your profession by providing you with a daily plan to follow.

Writing a lesson plan from scratch might be tough, which is why WPS has provided a plethora of editable lesson plan templates. Download WPS Office Software to  organize your weekly courses. Simply establish a WPS account, select the desired template, and start editing. 

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