There are 16 free training classes of how to use office suite for Practical Skills

Quickly locate the name of the row and column where the cell is located

Spreadsheet 160.3K views
Quickly locate the name of the row and column where the cell is located

Hyperlink in WPS Office Spreadsheet

Spreadsheet 83.9K views
Hyperlink in WPS Office Spreadsheet

How to customize draw borders for tables

Spreadsheet 45.2K views
How to customize draw borders for tables

How to crop the picture in a table

Spreadsheet 34.4K views
How to crop the picture in a table

How to convert Excel to PDF

Spreadsheet 26.6K views
How to convert Excel to PDF

Edit settings in WPS Spreadsheet

Spreadsheet 22.0K views
Edit settings in WPS Spreadsheet

How to fill cells with pure colors, gradient colors, and patterns

Spreadsheet 20.7K views
How to fill cells with pure colors, gradient colors, and patterns

How can we freeze the pane in WPS Spreadsheet

Spreadsheet 19.7K views
How can we freeze the pane in WPS Spreadsheet

How to insert and set pictures in WPS Spreadsheet

Spreadsheet 17.7K views
How to insert and set pictures in WPS Spreadsheet

How to use the Spell Check function in WPS Spreadsheet

Spreadsheet 10.6K views
How to use the Spell Check function in WPS Spreadsheet

Recalculate the table formulas in the Manual Recalculation mode

Spreadsheet 9.9K views
Recalculate the table formulas in the Manual Recalculation mode

More features in Picture to Text

Spreadsheet 9.9K views
More features in Picture to Text

How can we add and set borders for cells

Spreadsheet 9.5K views
How can we add and set borders for cells

How to export a table to an image

Spreadsheet 9.4K views
How to export a table to an image

More features in Split and Merge

Spreadsheet 9.0K views
More features in Split and Merge

Why error message #VALUE! occurs and how to solve it

Spreadsheet 8.9K views
Why error message #VALUE! occurs and how to solve it

About WPS Academy

WPS academy supplies free office software training classes with quality videos and useful tips online, which could help office beginners to specialists. WPS office could compatible with Google Docs perfectly. It's the best alternative to Google Docs. Efficient your work and quick download WPS Office now.
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