我們非常重視您的文件安全。使用 WPS Office 時,您的資料會全程加密,確保始終保持私密和安全。
輕鬆克服語言障礙,透過 AI 並行翻譯處理 Word 和 PDF 文件,確保順暢無縫的解讀。
充分利用 AI 的力量,輕鬆將您的想法轉化為驚豔的簡報。只需按一下即可產生及美化 PPT
利用整合到 WPS 寫入器的進階 AIGC 演算法,輕鬆生成高品質內容,如論文、部落格文章和信函。
為您的 PDF 解鎖前所未有的新洞見和諮詢。與 WPS AI 進行無縫對話,讓它從 PDF 中摘要並擷取洞見。
使用 WPS 照片功能,探索、檢視並輕鬆編輯您的影像。享受進階的照片編輯功能,包括品量增強、元素移除等等。
享受對 Word、Excel 和 PPT 功能的免費無限制使用。升級到 WPS AI,即可隨時獲得大量 AI 功能和增強服務!
探索 AI 技術的無縫整合如何徹底改變辦公室工作流程,提升生產力並簡化作業,以實現最佳效率。
再也不必擔心檔案相容性問題。WPS Office 能確保每個檔案都能順利開啟,不會有格式問題。您的工作,由您作主。
體驗速度和效率的力量。WPS Office 的安裝套件大小只有 214 MB,卻能輕鬆處理大型檔案。 告別延遲,迎接生產力。
在 WPS Office,您的隱私是我們承諾的基石。我們提供一個辦公環境,讓您專注不受干擾,並確保您的資料始終安全。我們的保護措施如下:
我們非常重視您的文件安全。使用 WPS Office 時,您的資料會全程加密,確保始終保持私密和安全。
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CNet 編輯評級
Swami Sivasubramanian
聽聽 WPS Office 使用者的看法。發現他們的洞見、經歷與故事。
“For years, WPS Office has been my go-to for writing essays and reading PDF documents. Now, with its AI features, my writing and reading tasks have become a breeze. The seamless integration within Office lets me focus more on my work without constantly switching between tools. It’s truly a fantastic app!”
“WPS Office’s AI features have been a game-changer for my productivity. The AI-assisted slide design saved me hours of formatting on a recent presentation. Its intelligent grammar suggestions have also improved my writing. It’s like having a personal assistant in my office suite!”
“Not just the top alternative to Microsoft Office; what really draws me in is WPS´s commitment to constantly updating features to meet users’ needs. With the integration of more and more AI functions like AI Writer and AI PDF, my office efficiency has soared. I’m eagerly anticipating more surprises!”
“The reason that I tried WPS is because it is legally and free, no need to pay money. Then I found that WPS is very easy to use, no need to waste time to learn to use WPS. I can save the files in Excel format and share them directly.”
“Fantastic "Office Suite". I mostly use the spreadsheets and honestly think it is better than the MS product.The word and presentation apps work absolutely professionally as well. All are fully compatible. Risk free. Go for it!”
“The templates are great, I can choose each template for each day to write journals. The templates are helpful and easy to adjust. The experiences with AI are really eye-opening.”
“Compared to other free office apps like Libre Office, WPS Office is faster, more reliable, and can handle even the largest documents with ease. So if you're tired of paying for MS Office or struggling with slow and unreliable free office apps, give WPS Office a try!”
“I love the fact that it integrates Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and PDF tools into one application, making it super convenient to use. Plus, the compatibility with other popular office software like MS Office and Libre Office is excellent.”
“Enable me to share, edit and merge multiple files online or offline. It provides online storage by connecting with google drive which is great. And the tab feature is just great i can use multiple different tools all once at one place.”
“Esta aplicación es una barbaridad, la amo, me sacó de grandes apuros al hacer mi tesis. Para mí es y siempre será la mejor aplicación para leer, crear y editar documentos, muchas gracias por crearla.”
“Totalmente em português. O visual é leve, intuitivo e extremamente fácil de utilizar. A opção de modelos de documentos gratuitos é muito boa. Finalizando com a ampla capacidade de lidar com arquivos PDF e disponibilizar um espaço na nuvem.”
“Aplikasi yang sangat membantu, semua laporan jadi mudah di akses gak perlu lagi buka PC kerja semakin satset dan mudah banget di akses di manapun dan kapanpun wps memang terbaik , semoga d updetannya makin canggih lagi”
AI 拼字檢查
AI 照片
AI 投影片