There are 8 free training courses of how to use office suite for Headers and Footers
How can we add a horizontal line at the footer
· Option 1:1. Open the document, click Insert → Header and Footer. At the footer, click Page Layout → Page Borders.2. In the pop-up Borders and Shading interface, click the Borders box, select Style, Color, and Width, and apply them to Paragraph.3. After setting them up, click Header and Footer → Close.· Option 2:Open the document, click Insert → Header and Footer.At the footer, click Insert → Shapes, choose Lines, and press Shift+Lines at the same time to draw a line. Perfect your wor....
How to remove page number in Word
Remove page number in Word Today we are going to learn how to remove page numbers in Word.After inserting the page numbers, due to one or two reasons, you realized that you don’t need the numbered pages anymore.Or maybe you want to remove page numbers for certain pages only, like the first page or the last pages. You can remove page numbers in your Word document by manually editing the header or footer that contains them, but Word offers a specific function to remove these number....
How to apply header only on first page
Header only on first page Header also known as a page header is a separate section carrying text that may be a chapter tiles, page numbers,dates or authors name etc written on the top of the page.By default the content on header remain the same for the entire document unless set otherwise.Hence sometimes you require to insert header only on the first page.Headers play vital role in search engine optimization and also serve users and search engine that just scan the headings and find ou....
How to add page number in word
Word page numbering Word page numbering is another advanced function in WPS.let me explain how it works. On the Insert tab, click the Page Number icon, and then click Page Number. Select a location, and then pick an alignment style. Word automatically numbers every page, except designated title pages. To change the numbering style, select Format and then choose the formatting you want to use,One thing should be in your consideration is that it does not matter if you are using the WPS 2....
How to reorder pages in word
How to reorder pages in word. Sometimes in word wps files, you need to reorder pages for any specific reason. The functions in WPS make it easier to reorder pages and work on the document easily. So here we will discuss in a few easy steps that how can we reorder pages by following really simple and easy steps. No matter on which device you are using WPS on, this method is workable on every devices. No matter you are a student, teacher, or business user, you can improve your work effic....
How to remove page number in WPS Writer
1. Open the document with WPS Writer.2. Double click the page number area, then we will automatically jump to the Header/Footer tab interface.3. Then we can see the Delete page number button in the page number area. Click the button, then a drop-down menu will pop up. 4. Here, we can select different types to delete page number according to our needs. Take Current Page as an example. This skill could also be used in Microsoft Office Word and OpenOffice.
How to insert footnotes in word
1. Place the cursor where we want to insert a footnote.2. Click the References tab and the Insert Footnote button. At this point, a horizontal line and a serial number appear below the current page. Because this is the first footnote, the number is 1.3. Enter the content we want in the footnote area.4. Double-click the number, then we can return to our place in the text. 5. Place the cursor at the footnote number, then the content of the footnote will appear. We can double-click the nu....
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