There are 16 free training courses of how to use office suite for Text Writing
How to find, replace, and locate content
02:27How to customize the font in WPS Writer
02:03Use format painter to quickly unify text formatting
01:28How to use the automatic numbering
02:11How can we insert symbols in WPS Writer
02:00How to use tabs to align text quickly in WPS Writer
01:41How to sort text in WPS Writer
02:37How to set character spacing in documents
01:32Five common uses of the Tab key
02:53How to create custom bullets in WPS Writer
02:05How to add text superscript and subscript
01:11How can we add underline and strikethrough
01:02How to set up multilevel numbering in WPS Writer
03:45How to delete blank pages quickly
03:14Set Text Effects: WordArt, Shadow, Reflection, Glow and 3-D Effects
02:35Layout skill-How can we split columns
01:39Relate tags of office software Text Writing
Morehow to arch text in word compare text strings in excel how to rotate text in word how to center text vertically in word how to mirror text in word how to remove text box border in word how to highlight text in pdf how to add text in openshot how to make text box transparent in word how to make a text box transparent